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SEE Regional

Advisors Ltd.

Our Services

Executive Advisory and Strategic Planning

SEER gives executives what they often need but rarely find: a candid, trustworthy, personal advisor. More broadly, SEER helps clients better understand their businesses, then guides them in using their new knowledge to make those businesses more successful. 

Corporate Advisory

Reorganizing a good business to take advantage of new opportunities. Restructuring any company to deal with sudden, unforeseeable shocks like COVID-19 or with continuing, intractable challenges like digitalization. SEER’s skilled and experienced advisory teams can tackle any and all of these tasks with success.

​Supporting Services

SEER’s network of fairly priced, highly competent professionals is available to all its clients, not just those that have engaged SEER for, say, fund raising or strategic advice. Skills available range from legal, tax and accounting to presentation design, digital marketing, lead generation and translation and copyediting.

Finance and Financial Advisory

SEER helps clients raise money. From seed finance to growth capital, from EU grants to IFI funding, SEER can assist. As it can with rescue, recovery and liquidity finance. Sometimes  the best source of finance is a financial or strategic partner. When that’s the case, SEER’s M&A expertise comes into play.

Mergers and Acquisitions

When a firm's organic growth proves too limited or too slow, seeking an acquisition or an acquirer may be its best strategy. SEER helps clients with all aspects of this process from analyzing available options to formulating a strategy, from  identifying targets to negotiating documents and closing a deal. 

Business Expansion

SEER helps clients grow their markets. Expanding from SEE as a base. Entering SEE for the first time. Whatever a client’s circumstances and goals, SEER’s worldwide network of business, governmental, trade association and other contacts enables it to help that client penetrate new markets and find new partners.

Turnarounds, Workouts and Windups

SEER works with companies, local and foreign, in financial and/or operational difficulties, or with their creditors or investors, to determine if those companies can be saved, to help them recover if recovery is possible and to minimize losses and other negative consequences if it isn’t.


About SEER

SEE Regionalni Svetovalci d.o.o. (SEE Regional Advisors Ltd. in English and SEER for short) was founded in Ljubljana, Slovenia in 2013, with a focus on the countries and markets of Southeast Europe. Since then . . . 


SEER's client is uniquely adept at transforming life sciences data into actionable knowledge using advanced bioinformatics techniques. It distills raw data into theoretically meaningful and practically useful observations and conclusions. It presents that data, and those observations and conclusions, in a clear, comprehensible manner that empowers it, and its clients, to generate scientifically and clinically valuable insights. SEER is helping its client expand its business into new regions and business areas.


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Tržaška cesta 42

1000 Ljubljana


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