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What We Do

Finance and Financial Advisory

Fund raising 

Additional finance can make the difference between a firm’s growing beyond its home country’s borders or stagnating within them. To address this need, SEER assists clients to raise finance from local and foreign sources. It identifies possible financiers for clients, evaluates these candidates, approaches the most promising of them and, if there’s a real fit, helps its clients to negotiate a deal. SEER can of course also help owners who simply want to sell their businesses. When more than just money is needed, SEER helps clients find strong partners, financial or strategic depending on the need. See Mergers and Acquisitions.


Applications for official funds

EU and other official funds are increasingly available to companies, governments and other organizations operating in ex-Yugoslavia. SEER works with its clients to identify sources of funds appropriate to the clients’ focuses and goals and to assist them prepare applications for these funds. For cross-border and multinational projects, SEER has access to the skills and experience of Wyn River, PCB and its other partners to identify, apply for and obtain funds from EU sources and international financial institutions and to identify, vet and recruit international partners for those projects.


Financial Advisory

Businesses, particularly local ones, often don’t recognize the benefits of a well constructed capital structure and fail to identify other ways of lowering their costs of funds, e.g. debt optimization. SEER’s experience and sophistication in these matters can turn a client’s losses into profits quickly and with relatively little client effort.


Ancillary services

The local and foreign specialists with which SEER works are available to assist with applications for funding, due diligence and other matters connected to fund raising and financial optimization.


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